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How to Install and Use GPIB Card Driver and VISA32 for Free

How to Install and Use GPIB Card Driver and VISA32 for Free

If you are looking for a way to communicate with your GPIB devices without spending a fortune on software licenses, you might be interested in this tutorial. In this article, we will show you how to install and use GPIB card driver and VISA32 for free. These are two essential components that enable you to control and communicate with your GPIB devices using your PC.

gpib card driver and visa32 free 84golkes

What are GPIB Card Driver and VISA32?

GPIB card driver is a software that allows your PC to recognize and communicate with your GPIB card. A GPIB card is a hardware device that connects your PC to your GPIB devices, such as oscilloscopes, multimeters, power supplies, etc. A GPIB card driver is usually provided by the manufacturer of your GPIB card.

VISA32 is a software library that provides a standard interface for programming and controlling GPIB devices. VISA stands for Virtual Instrument Software Architecture, and it is a widely used standard in the instrumentation industry. VISA32 allows you to write programs in various languages, such as C, C++, Visual Basic, Python, etc., that can communicate with your GPIB devices using simple commands.

How to Install GPIB Card Driver and VISA32 for Free?

To install GPIB card driver and VISA32 for free, you will need the following:

  • A PC with Windows operating system

  • A GPIB card compatible with your PC

  • A GPIB cable to connect your GPIB card to your GPIB devices

  • A free copy of NI-488.2 driver from National Instruments

  • A free copy of PyVISA from

Here are the steps to install GPIB card driver and VISA32 for free:

  • Install your GPIB card on your PC according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

  • Download and install NI-488.2 driver from here. This is a free driver that supports most GPIB cards on the market. It also includes VISA32 library as part of the installation.

  • Download and install PyVISA from here. This is a free Python package that allows you to use VISA32 library in Python programs. You will need Python installed on your PC before installing PyVISA.

How to Use GPIB Card Driver and VISA32 for Free?

Once you have installed GPIB card driver and VISA32 for free, you can start using them to communicate with your GPIB devices. Here is an example of how to use them in Python:

# Import PyVISA module

import visa

# Create a resource manager object

rm = visa.ResourceManager()

# List all available resources


# Open a connection to a GPIB device with address 1

inst = rm.open_resource('GPIB0::1::INSTR')

# Write a command to the device


# Read the response from the device


# Close the connection


This is a simple program that queries the identity of a GPIB device with address 1. You can modify it to suit your needs and communicate with other GPIB devices using different commands. For more information on how to use PyVISA, please refer to its documentation.


In this article, we have shown you how to install and use GPIB card driver and VISA32 for free. These are two essential components that enable you to control and communicate with your GPIB devices using your PC. We hope this tutorial was helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. e0e6b7cb5c


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